The requirements for obtaining a manicurist license in the state of Arkansas vary depending on the specific type of license you are seeking. Generally speaking, to become a licensed manicurist in Arkansas, you will need to meet the following requirements:

Be at least 16 years of age.
Have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Complete a certain number of hours of education and training in a licensed school or apprenticeship program. The exact number of hours required will depend on the type of license you are seeking, but typically ranges from 600 hours.
Pass the Arkansas state board exam for manicurists.
Renew your license every two years by completing continuing education requirements.
Note: The specific requirements for obtaining a manicurist license in Arkansas may change over time, so it’s important to check with the Arkansas State Board of Cosmetology for the most up-to-date information and to confirm the requirements for the specific type of license you are seeking.

Author: michael

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